我肥我俗我快乐—许鸿飞“肥肥雕塑系列”展 4月10—4月25日
1990毕业于广州美术学院雕塑系 现任广州雕塑院副院长
1991广东省“庆祝中国共产党建党70周年美展” 中国 广东省美协展厅
1995“广东省纪念抗日战争胜利50周年美展” 中国 广东省美协展厅
1997“第四届中国体育美展” 中国 上海美术馆
“广东省体育美展” 中国 广州文化公园
1999“中国美术家泰国大汇展” 泰国 曼谷文化艺术中心
“第九届中国美展” 中国 深圳关山月美术馆
“庆祝建国50周年广东省美展” 中国 广东省美协展厅
“许鸿飞、尹小艾、陆增康雕塑展” 中国 广东省美协展厅
2000“中国当代雕塑展” 中国 广东美术馆
2001“广东省体育美展” 中国 广东画院
“庆祝中国共产党成立八十周年广东省美展” 中国 广东画院
“非常男女”系列许鸿飞雕塑展 中国 广州艺术博物院
2003许鸿飞“肥肥”系列雕塑展 中国 广州汇景新城会所
2004许鸿飞“肥肥”系列雕塑展 中国 广东美术馆三彩画廊
Xu Hongfei
Xu Hongfei was born in 1963 in Yangjiang,Guangdong Province.He graduated from Sculpture Department of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Art.He is currently a vice president at Guangzhou Sculpture Institute.
1991 Celebrating the 7oth Anniversary of Founding of Communist Party of China Art Exhibition Hall of the Guangdong Art Association
1995 The 50th Anniversary of Commemorating the win of Anti-Japan War Art Exhibition Hall of The Guangdong Art Association
1997 The 4th Chinese Sports Art Exhibition Shanghai Museum of Art
1997 Guangdong Sports Art Exhibition Guangzhou Culture Park
1999 Chinese Artist Exhibition In Thailand Bangkok Cultural Center Thailand
1999 The 9th National Art Exhibition Guan Shanyue Museum of Shenzhen
1999 Sculpture Exhibition by Xu Hongfei,Yin Xiaoai,Lu Zengkang
Hall of the Guangdong Art Association
2000 Chinese Contemporary Sculpture Exhibitin Guangdong Museum of Art
2001 Guangdong Sports Art Exhibition Guangdong Art Academy
2001 Celebrating the 80th Anniversary of Founding of Communist Party of China
Art Exhibition Guangdong Art Academy
2001 Extradition Men&Women Sculpture Exhibition
2003 Fat Sculpture Exhibition by Xu Hongfei Guangzhou Huijing New city
2004 Fat Sculpture Exhibition by Xu Hongfei Guangzhou San Cai Gallery
1997 Excellent Artwork Prize Guangdong Sports Art Exhibition
1998 The 2nd Guangzhou Cultural Prize
1999 Golden Prize Chinese Artist Exhibition in Thailand
Public Collection:
Guangdong Museum of Art
Guangzhou Museum of Art
Guangzhou Sculpture Park